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Why renewable energy:
Positive environmental impact is certainly one of the most important reasons. Fossil fuels when burnt, create harmful greenhouse gas emissions and our planet is already feeling the impact of climate change. By using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels we would significantly decrease the current levels of greenhouse gas emissions, and this would have positive environmental impact for our entire planet.
Renewable energy is not all about environment as it can also give strong boost to our economy in form of new jobs. The number of people employed within the renewable energy industry is rapidly growing, giving many countries an excellent option to boost their economies in this post-recession period.Renewable energy can improve our energy security by reducing the need for foreign oil import. The global oil market has been characterized by extremely volatile prices and our dependence on oil continues to grow. By switching to renewable energy and using more domestic renewable energy sources instead of importing foreign oil we would drastically improve our energy security and energy independence, not to mention the fact that our money would stay inside our borders instead going to OPEC countries.

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